Katie Zaferes


Nome Completo: Katie Zaferes
Modalidade: Triatlo
Data de Nascimento: 09-06-1989
Nacionalidade: Americana
Altura: 1.73 m
Peso: 58 kg


A norte americana Katie Zaferes, uma das melhores triatletas mundiais da atualidade, vai integrar a equipa mista do Sport Lisboa e Benfica que competirá, no próximo sábado, em Lisboa, pela revalidação do título no Campeonato da Europa de Clubes.
Aos 29 anos, Katie Zaferes contribuirá com toda a capacidade competitiva de que dispõe, colmatando a baixa inesperada de Melanie Santos, após ser conhecida uma lesão num pé da campeã nacional absoluta.

A integração da americana insere-se numa estratégia de longo prazo em que uma das melhores do mundo estará com as triatletas do Clube em determinados momentos de estágio e competição, usufruindo da estrutura do Benfica no apoio à sua carreira na alta competição.

Este poderá ser, também, um importante passo para que, no futuro, o campeonato português tenha em prova algumas das principais figuras mundiais.

Com um quarteto que deverá ser constituído por João Pereira, João Silva, Vera Vilaça e Katie Zaferes, o SL Benfica acredita que poderá lutar pela vitória no Campeonato da Europa de Clubes, embora se conheça a forte concorrência na prova que tem partida marcada para as 13 horas de sábado, junto ao Padrão dos Descobrimentos.

Destaque para o Poissy, cuja hegemonia foi quebrada há um ano pelo Benfica, e que conta nas suas fileiras com três dos quatro triatletas que compuseram a equipa francesa que se sagrou campeã da europa em Glasgow.




Vicent Luis and Katie Zaferes win the Super League of Jersey
OCTOBER 01 2018


The current runners-up in the ITU world, the French Vicent Luis and the American Katie Zaferes take the triumph in the general of the Super League of Jersey
Yesterday the second stage of the Super League of Jersey which consisted of the Enduro event, where the triathletes covered three times in a row "non stop" a super sprint triathlon (300 m swimming + 5 km cycling + 1,6 km race), that is, the test had 6 transitions and 9 segments. The French Vicent Luis y Cassandre Beaugrand they arrived as leaders after the dispute yesterday of the first stage.

The girls were the first to make their competition, where Americans Katie Zaferes and Kirsten Kasper escaped and played the victory in this stage with victory for Zaferes. Third in goal was Cassandre Beaugrand, fourth the British Georgina Taylor-Brown and fifth the American Summer Cook. The final general of the Jersey Super League was won by Katie Zaferes, thanks to the triumph of today and the second place yesterday.








Bem vinda e boa sorte. Que conquiste muitos títulos para o Benfica!




Dei-lhe as boas vindas ao nosso clube nesta pagina na foto onde ela tem as malas feitas e respondeu dizendo que está ansiosa,gostei...



We've had just enough time in Mallorca to drop our things and now we are already off for the next adventure! I got offered an opportunity to race in the Mixed Relay Club European Championships in Lisbon, Portugal and I accepted. Who doesn't love a good team relay? And plus I've never really been to Lisbon and hear it's pretty darn spectacular! I'm excited to race with @slbenfica this weekend!
Of course the easiest travel always ends up being the most difficult. So upon check in I found out my bike would not be able to make the trip from Mallorca to Lisbon. With the help of Tommy and the @slbenfica team they assisted me in getting a later flight with an airline that was more bike friendly! It was the latest I've ever booked a new flight (2 hours until departure 😱) and for all those people who know how much I like to plan ahead—it was not my favorite moment. It also didn't help that I didn't have a SIM card so I could not be reached by phone and was using Tommy's while he had to go catch the original flight. However problems are solved and Tommy, me and hopefully my bike will all be making it to Lisbon this evening!