1.ª Fase da Eurochallenge 2010/2011: BENFICA apurado!!!


Citação de: Dandy em 14 de Dezembro de 2010, 17:46

   Se perdermos hoje por 5 e terminarmos com os mesmos pontos, que o Lugano, no final da 6ª jornada... qual o seguinte critério de desempate?

   Deixem-me advinhar: primeiro post:)

Não está lá. Está perdido algures. Sei que escrevi isso na semana passada. Vou procurar...


5 inicial: Minhava, Reed, S.Ramos, H.Evans e E.Évora



Citação de: Crente em 30 de Novembro de 2010, 23:21
Citação de: Crente em 30 de Novembro de 2010, 23:16
Procurei no site da FIBA Europa e não encontro os critérios de desempate... :(

Já encontrei. É mesmo o confronto directo.

D.1 Procedure
Teams shall be classified according to their win-loss records, namely two (2) points
for each game won, one (1) point for each game lost (including lost by default) and
zero (0) points for a game lost by forfeit.
D.1.1 If there are two teams in the classification with equal points, the result(s) of the
game(s) between the two teams involved will be used to determine the placings.
D.1.2 If the points and the goal average in the games between the two teams are still the
same, the classification will be determined by the goal average of all the games
played in the group by each team.
D.1.3 If more than two teams are equal in the placing, a second classification will be
established, taking into account only the results of the games between the teams
that are tied.
D.1.4 If there are still teams tied after the second classification, then goal average will be
used to determine the placing, taking into account only the results of the games
between the teams still tied.
D.1.5 If there are still teams tied, the placing will be determined using the goal average
from the results of all their games played in the group.
D.1.6 If, at any stage, using the above criteria, a multiple team tie is reduced to a tie
involving only two teams, the procedure in D.1.1 and D.1.2 above will be applied.
D.1.7 If, at any stage, it is reduced to a tie still involving more than two teams, the
procedure, beginning with D.1.3 above, is repeated.
D.1.8 Goal average will always be calculated by division.

Página 68
