Paulo Bernardo

Médio, 22 anos,
Equipa Principal: 3 épocas (2021-2022), 26 jogos (935 minutos), 0 golos

Equipa B: 4 épocas, 38 jogos, 7 golos


Citação de: Celticfan em 23 de Fevereiro de 2024, 15:47
Citação de: Croissant em 21 de Fevereiro de 2024, 08:55
Citação de: Celticfan em 13 de Fevereiro de 2024, 19:54
Citação de: Francescoli em 10 de Fevereiro de 2024, 20:09
Citação de: João Cardoso55 em 10 de Fevereiro de 2024, 12:02
Citação de: bruno cardoso em 10 de Fevereiro de 2024, 11:52Scof

«Num grande clube como o Celtic, temos de vencer sempre. No Benfica é assim. Nas camadas jovens do Benfica também tínhamos de ganhar todos os jogos. O Benfica é um grande clube e o Celtic também. Acho que são clubes semelhantes e a exigência é vencer sempre»

- Paulo Bernardo
clubes semelhantes  :2funny:  :2funny:  :2funny: 

Sabes que o Celtic foi campeão europeu, certo?

E sabes quantos troféus nacionais tem, certo?

Also beat Eusebio's Benfica with a toss of a coin ;) back when we were a force in the 60's and 70's.

We do have a massive fanbase for a team not in a top 5 league. Traditionally had a lot of fans travel over from Northern and the Republic or Ireland due to the Irish connection (although this is slowing down due to younger generations watching the EPL but many still have Celtic as their 'second team') and in the eastern US, Canada and Australia due to the amount of Scots and Irish that emigrated there up until the 1970's.

We should do better in Europe than we do, are board are the worst though about being ambitious. If we were in the Premiership we'd be one of the top teams there after a few years with equal TV money and exposure.

IMHO your club needs to make a better approach at merchandising. You could make a lot of money doing pre-seasons in Boston.
People there will consume anything that has connections with Irish history.

100%. Our board has bo ambition though. Everything feels like it is stuck in the early 2000s at the club and is done so cheaply. Badly needs new owners and new ideas. With a bit of ambition we'd do far better in Europe too

Just imagine: Boston has 4.5M people. If Celtics makes a pre-season there or a special evente you just need to make a minimum of 65k people per game to fill a stadium, which is less than 2% of the population. With some good partnerships of incorporating some traditional irish activities events within the match days, along with shirt and scarf sales, making special associates programs for US supporters, it's literally an excellent oportunity to expand Celtic image internacionally.


Citação de: Croissant em 24 de Fevereiro de 2024, 17:54
Citação de: Celticfan em 23 de Fevereiro de 2024, 15:47
Citação de: Croissant em 21 de Fevereiro de 2024, 08:55
Citação de: Celticfan em 13 de Fevereiro de 2024, 19:54
Citação de: Francescoli em 10 de Fevereiro de 2024, 20:09
Citação de: João Cardoso55 em 10 de Fevereiro de 2024, 12:02
Citação de: bruno cardoso em 10 de Fevereiro de 2024, 11:52Scof

«Num grande clube como o Celtic, temos de vencer sempre. No Benfica é assim. Nas camadas jovens do Benfica também tínhamos de ganhar todos os jogos. O Benfica é um grande clube e o Celtic também. Acho que são clubes semelhantes e a exigência é vencer sempre»

- Paulo Bernardo
clubes semelhantes  :2funny:  :2funny:  :2funny: 

Sabes que o Celtic foi campeão europeu, certo?

E sabes quantos troféus nacionais tem, certo?

Also beat Eusebio's Benfica with a toss of a coin ;) back when we were a force in the 60's and 70's.

We do have a massive fanbase for a team not in a top 5 league. Traditionally had a lot of fans travel over from Northern and the Republic or Ireland due to the Irish connection (although this is slowing down due to younger generations watching the EPL but many still have Celtic as their 'second team') and in the eastern US, Canada and Australia due to the amount of Scots and Irish that emigrated there up until the 1970's.

We should do better in Europe than we do, are board are the worst though about being ambitious. If we were in the Premiership we'd be one of the top teams there after a few years with equal TV money and exposure.

IMHO your club needs to make a better approach at merchandising. You could make a lot of money doing pre-seasons in Boston.
People there will consume anything that has connections with Irish history.

100%. Our board has bo ambition though. Everything feels like it is stuck in the early 2000s at the club and is done so cheaply. Badly needs new owners and new ideas. With a bit of ambition we'd do far better in Europe too

Just imagine: Boston has 4.5M people. If Celtics makes a pre-season there or a special evente you just need to make a minimum of 65k people per game to fill a stadium, which is less than 2% of the population. With some good partnerships of incorporating some traditional irish activities events within the match days, along with shirt and scarf sales, making special associates programs for US supporters, it's literally an excellent oportunity to expand Celtic image internacionally.
Citação de: Croissant em 24 de Fevereiro de 2024, 17:54
Citação de: Celticfan em 23 de Fevereiro de 2024, 15:47
Citação de: Croissant em 21 de Fevereiro de 2024, 08:55
Citação de: Celticfan em 13 de Fevereiro de 2024, 19:54
Citação de: Francescoli em 10 de Fevereiro de 2024, 20:09
Citação de: João Cardoso55 em 10 de Fevereiro de 2024, 12:02
Citação de: bruno cardoso em 10 de Fevereiro de 2024, 11:52Scof

«Num grande clube como o Celtic, temos de vencer sempre. No Benfica é assim. Nas camadas jovens do Benfica também tínhamos de ganhar todos os jogos. O Benfica é um grande clube e o Celtic também. Acho que são clubes semelhantes e a exigência é vencer sempre»

- Paulo Bernardo
clubes semelhantes  :2funny:  :2funny:  :2funny: 

Sabes que o Celtic foi campeão europeu, certo?

E sabes quantos troféus nacionais tem, certo?

Also beat Eusebio's Benfica with a toss of a coin ;) back when we were a force in the 60's and 70's.

We do have a massive fanbase for a team not in a top 5 league. Traditionally had a lot of fans travel over from Northern and the Republic or Ireland due to the Irish connection (although this is slowing down due to younger generations watching the EPL but many still have Celtic as their 'second team') and in the eastern US, Canada and Australia due to the amount of Scots and Irish that emigrated there up until the 1970's.

We should do better in Europe than we do, are board are the worst though about being ambitious. If we were in the Premiership we'd be one of the top teams there after a few years with equal TV money and exposure.

IMHO your club needs to make a better approach at merchandising. You could make a lot of money doing pre-seasons in Boston.
People there will consume anything that has connections with Irish history.

100%. Our board has bo ambition though. Everything feels like it is stuck in the early 2000s at the club and is done so cheaply. Badly needs new owners and new ideas. With a bit of ambition we'd do far better in Europe too

Just imagine: Boston has 4.5M people. If Celtics makes a pre-season there or a special evente you just need to make a minimum of 65k people per game to fill a stadium, which is less than 2% of the population. With some good partnerships of incorporating some traditional irish activities events within the match days, along with shirt and scarf sales, making special associates programs for US supporters, it's literally an excellent oportunity to expand Celtic image internacionally.

We did play Sporting at Fenway Park and another game in Philadelphia around 2013. The excuse from the board is that we have champions league qualifiers normally that clash.

They did play in Japan and Australia last year but that was their first tour like that in a while



Unfortunately not seeing it with him barring those couple of good games in December. Doubt we sign him at this point. Like Benfica our team is struggling. Blew a 7 point lead and now 3 points behind and just generally looking shite. Lots of discontent at the club between the board, fans and manager.

Annoyingly Rangers are pretty shite as well but aren't dropping as many points.


Titular contra o Hearts. Se o Celtic ganhar, ultrapassam o Rangers e chegam ao 1.º lugar.

Infelizmente estão com 10 desde os 16'.


Celtic perdeu 2-0 a jogar com 10 desde os 16'.

Falharam o assalto ao 1.º lugar.

Red skin

Citação de: Celticfan em 25 de Fevereiro de 2024, 18:56Unfortunately not seeing it with him barring those couple of good games in December. Doubt we sign him at this point. Like Benfica our team is struggling. Blew a 7 point lead and now 3 points behind and just generally looking shite. Lots of discontent at the club between the board, fans and manager.

Annoyingly Rangers are pretty shite as well but aren't dropping as many points.
Just 2 to tie with Rangers for the most league titles in Scotland...


Citação de: ItsY2Inferno em 20 de Março de 2024, 21:06

I think most fans would be a little surprised at this. If we do try to keep him I doubt it's for the 6 million in the initial clause. 6 million isn't a lot in the grand scheme of things but it is for our board who are tight as fuck and for 6 million i'd expect him to be bossing it against the weaker teams in Scotland which he doesn't really.  On top of that we have half a squad to replace given how badly we have botched the last few transfer windows. Major holes everywhere.

 I think they try talk it down to maybe half or another loan. He flashes at points, you can tell there is skill there but he isn't always very impactful. I say that now and he'll have a monster game against Rangers in a couple of weeks or something.

It isn't a Jota situation though where he was starring for us and we'd have been devastated not to keep him.


Feel like everyone is in and out then back in with him. He played well last game. Huge test coming up on Sunday for him. They play Rangers and it's likely whoever wins is in the driving seat for the title. Celtic have a few key players coming back from injury like Hatate and Carter Vickers who've been plagued all season. Kuhn has also started looking decent. If Bernardo starts he needs to have a big game, he did well against them in December during that purple patch he had. If he can be consistent I could see him being the replacement for Matt O'Reilly.


Entrou aos 82' no Rangers - Celtic e assistiu para o 2-3 do Celtic aos 87'. O Rangers empatou 3-3 aos 93'.