Bruno Peres (Roma) - ABola



El lateral brasileño Bruno Peres se encuentra en el punto de mira de los ojeadores del Benfica, que le consideran el hombre ideal para reforzar la plantilla lusa en el mercado invernal.
Según informa hoy 'Sky Sport', los directivos del Benfica se han puesto ya manos a la obra para llevar un refuerzo de calidad al equipo en el presente mes de enero.
El mismo medio asegura que ya habría negociación abierta entre los lusos y los directivos de la Roma, lo que aceleraría la posible llegada de Bruno Peres al Benfica.

Fonte: Sky Sport


Bruno Peres' exit could bring Barca star to Roma

Former Torino and Santos product Bruno Peres made his high-profile move to Roma in August of 2016. Since then, the Brazilian has become the target of increasing frustration and anger from fans over his poor play. Now, it seems, Roma's brass agree and will be shipping him out of the Eternal City as soon as they're able to.

Reports have surfaced that Portuguese powerhouse Benfica is willing to take a flyer on the struggling fullback and are pushing to acquire him this month. Additionally, Turkish club Galatasaray have made inquires about his availability.

As for the player, he wishes to remain in Italy and favors a move to another club. However, for Roma's sporting director, Monchi, such a possibility would likely preclude president James Pallotta from recouping his €13.5 million investment since Italian clubs would require a discount do to his horrendous form.

As for Pallotta, he has privately stewed about the signing of Bruno Peres from the start, as he had deep reservations about Walter Sabatini's acquisition from the start. Though the right back was successful in Torino, he excelled in a 3-5-2 formation, which isn't what Luciano Spalletti, nor current manager Eusebio di Francesco use.

With Alessandro Florenzi the only other healthy player capable of playing the right side (Rick Karsdorp is still recovering from his ACL rupture), it's likely Monchi will focus on reinforcing that position. Barcelona's Aleix Vidal is a current favorite of his and will be within Roma's budget.
Matthew Klimberg (@KlimbergCalcio)




Roma quer o Aleix Vidal ou o JuanFran como substitutos do Bruno Peres

Italian giants Roma are launching a bid for Atletico Madrid defender Juanfran, who is out of contract at the Wanda Metropolitano in June, say reports.

The right-back, who turns 33 later this month, has fallen down the pecking order at Los Rojiblancos due to the form of Croatian defender Sime Vrsaljko, who had previously been linked with a move away.

Former Sevilla sporting director Monchi, now at the Rome-based club, looks set to raid La Liga for the experienced defender, who is in his eighth season at Atleti according to Diario AS.

The former Real Madrid, Espanyol and Osasuna defender – who has helped Diego Simeone's side to two Champions League finals - may be set for a move away from the club this summer.

Alessandro Florenzi is the first-choice right-back at Roma and is deputised by Bruno Peres with Rick Karsdorp out injured.


O Aleix Vidal é que era, mas quem não consegue sacar o Bruno Peres, certamente não vai conseguir sacar o Vidal.


É pedir ao Vieira para fazer um pack e trazer Skorupski, Bruno Peres e Hector Moreno da Roma.
Seriam os 3 titularissimos por cá.


parece estranho que o gala o queira, foram buscar o mariano no verao e ainda tem mais dois bonecos pra posição


A questão  que se impõe é:

O Vitória vai tirar o Almeida e por um reforço à direita? Ainda que seja realmente um reforço?


Tr - 17

Citação de: Mariols em 04 de Janeiro de 2018, 14:04
A questão  que se impõe é:

O Vitória vai tirar o Almeida e por um reforço à direita? Ainda que seja realmente um reforço?


É uma boa questão.

Sem taças para rodar alguns jogadores, e com o Almeida a merecer a confiança do treinador, o Bruno Peres ou impressiona e pega de estaca ou arrisca-se a ter de esperar por uma oportunidade.

Se vier que seja com opção de compra, já que o reforço do lado direito da nossa defesa tem de ser feito a pensar já na próxima época.

A. Almeida também parece contar para médio defensivo, pelo que pode ser alternativa ao Fejsa nessa posição.


Citação de: Tiago_I_ em 04 de Janeiro de 2018, 12:10

Bruno Peres' exit could bring Barca star to Roma

Former Torino and Santos product Bruno Peres made his high-profile move to Roma in August of 2016. Since then, the Brazilian has become the target of increasing frustration and anger from fans over his poor play. Now, it seems, Roma's brass agree and will be shipping him out of the Eternal City as soon as they're able to.

Reports have surfaced that Portuguese powerhouse Benfica is willing to take a flyer on the struggling fullback and are pushing to acquire him this month. Additionally, Turkish club Galatasaray have made inquires about his availability.

As for the player, he wishes to remain in Italy and favors a move to another club. However, for Roma's sporting director, Monchi, such a possibility would likely preclude president James Pallotta from recouping his €13.5 million investment since Italian clubs would require a discount do to his horrendous form.

As for Pallotta, he has privately stewed about the signing of Bruno Peres from the start, as he had deep reservations about Walter Sabatini's acquisition from the start. Though the right back was successful in Torino, he excelled in a 3-5-2 formation, which isn't what Luciano Spalletti, nor current manager Eusebio di Francesco use.

With Alessandro Florenzi the only other healthy player capable of playing the right side (Rick Karsdorp is still recovering from his ACL rupture), it's likely Monchi will focus on reinforcing that position. Barcelona's Aleix Vidal is a current favorite of his and will be within Roma's budget.
Matthew Klimberg (@KlimbergCalcio)
O conteúdo da notícia, deixou-me um pouco de pé atrás. Nomeadamente no que se refere ao desempenho do jogador.
