Anna Gasper

Médio, 28 anos,
Estatísticas: 3 épocas, 82 jogos, 3 golos
Em 2024/2025: 26 jogos, 2 golos

Títulos: Campeonato Nacional (2), Taça de Portugal (1), Taça da Liga (2), Supertaça (1)


Citação de: SwissSLB em 30 de Março de 2024, 11:23
Citação de: GoldenState em 30 de Março de 2024, 10:41Terminou o jogo em França como capitã.

Já tinha usado a braçadeira antes? Não me recordo.

Sim. Várias vezes já. Digamos que é a 5a na hierarquia.
-Silvia,Pauleta,Carole,Faria e depois ela.
É bom sinal, então.

Creio que a renovação será fácil.


Citação de: SwissSLB em 30 de Março de 2024, 11:23
Citação de: GoldenState em 30 de Março de 2024, 10:41Terminou o jogo em França como capitã.

Já tinha usado a braçadeira antes? Não me recordo.

Sim. Várias vezes já. Digamos que é a 5a na hierarquia.
-Silvia,Pauleta,Carole,Faria e depois ela.

Seiça primeiro que a Gasper.

Valadares no Seixal, foi a primeira vez que usou a braçadeira.


Citação de: Leugim em 30 de Março de 2024, 11:56
Citação de: SwissSLB em 30 de Março de 2024, 11:23
Citação de: GoldenState em 30 de Março de 2024, 10:41Terminou o jogo em França como capitã.

Já tinha usado a braçadeira antes? Não me recordo.

Sim. Várias vezes já. Digamos que é a 5a na hierarquia.
-Silvia,Pauleta,Carole,Faria e depois ela.

Seiça primeiro que a Gasper.

Valadares no Seixal, foi a primeira vez que usou a braçadeira.

Não me lembrei da Seiça. Mas acho que a 1a vez não foi contra o Valadares. Tenho a noção de que já havia acontecido,inclusivé na champions. É a sensação que tenho,não tenho certeza.
De qualquer das formas,faz até mais sentido passar à frente da Seiça que para mim não tem de todo estofo de capitã.


Citação de: GoldenState em 30 de Março de 2024, 11:36
Citação de: SwissSLB em 30 de Março de 2024, 11:23
Citação de: GoldenState em 30 de Março de 2024, 10:41Terminou o jogo em França como capitã.

Já tinha usado a braçadeira antes? Não me recordo.

Sim. Várias vezes já. Digamos que é a 5a na hierarquia.
-Silvia,Pauleta,Carole,Faria e depois ela.
É bom sinal, então.

Creio que a renovação será fácil.

Mesmo que não fosse,acredito que não seja uma renovação dificil. Isto a julgar pela entrevista que deu ao zerozero em que foram abordados vários temas.


Citação de: SwissSLB em 30 de Março de 2024, 12:14
Citação de: GoldenState em 30 de Março de 2024, 11:36
Citação de: SwissSLB em 30 de Março de 2024, 11:23
Citação de: GoldenState em 30 de Março de 2024, 10:41Terminou o jogo em França como capitã.

Já tinha usado a braçadeira antes? Não me recordo.

Sim. Várias vezes já. Digamos que é a 5a na hierarquia.
-Silvia,Pauleta,Carole,Faria e depois ela.
É bom sinal, então.

Creio que a renovação será fácil.

Mesmo que não fosse,acredito que não seja uma renovação dificil. Isto a julgar pela entrevista que deu ao zerozero em que foram abordados vários temas.
Sim, digo que é bom sinal no sentido em que está cá há pouco tempo e além disso é estrangeira. Portanto, se lhe confiam a braçadeira é porque tem o perfil certo.


Citação de: GoldenState em 30 de Março de 2024, 12:40
Citação de: SwissSLB em 30 de Março de 2024, 12:14
Citação de: GoldenState em 30 de Março de 2024, 11:36
Citação de: SwissSLB em 30 de Março de 2024, 11:23
Citação de: GoldenState em 30 de Março de 2024, 10:41Terminou o jogo em França como capitã.

Já tinha usado a braçadeira antes? Não me recordo.

Sim. Várias vezes já. Digamos que é a 5a na hierarquia.
-Silvia,Pauleta,Carole,Faria e depois ela.
É bom sinal, então.

Creio que a renovação será fácil.

Mesmo que não fosse,acredito que não seja uma renovação dificil. Isto a julgar pela entrevista que deu ao zerozero em que foram abordados vários temas.
Sim, digo que é bom sinal no sentido em que está cá há pouco tempo e além disso é estrangeira. Portanto, se lhe confiam a braçadeira é porque tem o perfil certo.

Apesar de tanto a Gasper como a Pauels terem sido apostas de risco, uma por ter decidido para de ser jogadora profissional e a outra pelas lesões, ambas são duas das três NFL que justificam a vaga. Quanto à braçadeira de capitã não sei se é por ter o perfil certo ou pelas companheiras fora do grupo das capitãs não terem esse perfil, basta ver que das mais utilizadas as mais prováveis de serem capitãs seriam Amado, Lúcia, Kika ou Jéssica


Citação de: Limentaen em 30 de Março de 2024, 13:24
Citação de: GoldenState em 30 de Março de 2024, 12:40
Citação de: SwissSLB em 30 de Março de 2024, 12:14
Citação de: GoldenState em 30 de Março de 2024, 11:36
Citação de: SwissSLB em 30 de Março de 2024, 11:23
Citação de: GoldenState em 30 de Março de 2024, 10:41Terminou o jogo em França como capitã.

Já tinha usado a braçadeira antes? Não me recordo.

Sim. Várias vezes já. Digamos que é a 5a na hierarquia.
-Silvia,Pauleta,Carole,Faria e depois ela.
É bom sinal, então.

Creio que a renovação será fácil.

Mesmo que não fosse,acredito que não seja uma renovação dificil. Isto a julgar pela entrevista que deu ao zerozero em que foram abordados vários temas.
Sim, digo que é bom sinal no sentido em que está cá há pouco tempo e além disso é estrangeira. Portanto, se lhe confiam a braçadeira é porque tem o perfil certo.

Apesar de tanto a Gasper como a Pauels terem sido apostas de risco, uma por ter decidido para de ser jogadora profissional e a outra pelas lesões, ambas são duas das três NFL que justificam a vaga. Quanto à braçadeira de capitã não sei se é por ter o perfil certo ou pelas companheiras fora do grupo das capitãs não terem esse perfil, basta ver que das mais utilizadas as mais prováveis de serem capitãs seriam Amado, Lúcia, Kika ou Jéssica
No meu entender o capitão normalmente tem o respeito quer do treinador quer dos colegas. E aliás, basta olhar para o leque de capitãs e perceber que isso é verdade... Carole, Pauleta, Faria. Portanto, para no espaço de 1 ano chegar e assumir esse papel, tem de ser alguém que dentro do grupo é respeitado, acho.

Quanto às atletas que referiste penso que a Lúcia tem esse perfil, a Kika será essa figura (se não sair), mas até pela personalidade dela acredito que a própria não sinta que neste momento deva ter esse papel. As outras duas não acho que tenham perfil, mas também não acho que a Seiça tenha neste momento, e...


Citação de: GoldenState em 30 de Março de 2024, 11:36
Citação de: SwissSLB em 30 de Março de 2024, 11:23
Citação de: GoldenState em 30 de Março de 2024, 10:41Terminou o jogo em França como capitã.

Já tinha usado a braçadeira antes? Não me recordo.

Sim. Várias vezes já. Digamos que é a 5a na hierarquia.
-Silvia,Pauleta,Carole,Faria e depois ela.
É bom sinal, então.

Creio que a renovação será fácil.
Não deve ser muito difícil renovar.
Depois da evolução na carreira desde que veio para o Benfica, já estar na hierarquia de capitãs e até mesmo estar a aprender português mostra que tenciona cá ficar algum tempo, ela na entrevista diz que nao fala em português por falta de confiança e por medo de se expressar mal e ser mal interpretada.


Anna Gasper 🗣� : "Notamos essa rivalidade quando as defrontamos. Quando recentemente sofremos uma derrota com o Sporting o mundo das nossas jogadoras que são do Benfica desde pequenas desabou".

Sobre a rivalidade com o Sporting

Entrevista com a Lena aqui


Citação de: Mamb em 02 de Maio de 2024, 19:36Anna Gasper 🗣� : "Notamos essa rivalidade quando as defrontamos. Quando recentemente sofremos uma derrota com o Sporting o mundo das nossas jogadoras que são do Benfica desde pequenas desabou".

Sobre a rivalidade com o Sporting

Entrevista com a Lena aqui
Traduzi para inglês com software.

Gasper and Pauels in a double interview The two overlooked Germans in the Champions League quarter-finals

With Benfica, Anna Gasper (27) and Lena Pauels (26) caused a sensation in the Champions League. In a double interview, the two Germans talk about their sporting luck, frustration, attention on Instagram - and about the national team.

Have quickly made a name for themselves in Portugal: Lena Pauels (left) and Anna Gasper.

"They bring a focused, disciplined view of the game and are mentally ready for the high-class competition in Europe," said Benfica vice-president Fernando Tavares when asked about Anna Gasper and Lena Pauels: "I believe that Benfica have successfully integrated them and they have quickly adapted to the culture of our club."

The two German pros are regulars and reached the quarter-finals of the Champions League with Benfica. In the evening (18:45 CEST), the cup final against rivals Sporting Lisbon will take place. Nevertheless, they fly somewhat under the radar in this country.

Ms Gasper and Ms Pauels, you have progressed further than any of the German clubs in this Champions League season. Did you think this was possible before?

Pauels: When the groups were drawn, we naturally hoped that we would get further than Frankfurt (smiles). For me, it was surprising that Wolfsburg didn't qualify at all and that Bayern were eliminated in the group stage. I do believe that it was very hard for German football.

You drew 4-4 against the senior team of the almost overpowering FC Barcelona in the last group game.

Gasper: Our big advantage was that we had already qualified for the round of 16, so the pressure was off. It also helped us in the game that we are a pressing team that goes for it up front.

Isn't Barcelona used to that?

Gasper: No, you could tell that they didn't really know how to deal with it. And last but not least, we were all 100 per cent there that day, played together as a team and were aggressive in the duels. Barcelona didn't feel quite so comfortable with that - and after their 2-0 lead, they didn't expect us to come back.

What were your expectations going into the group stage?

Gasper: Even before we knew who was in our group, the clear goal was to progress, of course. Every single one of them believed in that, otherwise it wouldn't have been possible.

The four points against Eintracht Frankfurt were crucial for progression. If Laura Freigang had converted the penalty in the 90+4 minute, it would probably have been over for you in the group stage.

Pauels: We would still have had it in our own hands, but it would have been harder. Then we would have had the pressure to definitely get something against Barcelona.

Ms Pauels, you were able to distinguish yourself several times, especially in the first leg of the quarter-finals. Was it your biggest game/performance of your career so far?

Pauels: It's hard to say. The highlight game of the season for me was the game in Frankfurt. Not necessarily because of the penalty, but also because the whole family and friends were able to watch and that meant a lot to me at that moment. These are people who supported me during a difficult phase. To be able to share this moment and the result (1-1, editor's note) with them was the best moment of the whole season for me.

In all four quarter-finals, the favourites finally prevailed, and you and Benfica also had little chance against Lyon. Is the gap to the big clubs big after all?

Pauels: Of course, in the end, the favorite always prevailed. But the supposedly smaller teams were able to keep up very well. That's good for the development of women's football. In the meantime, these are games that are very good to look at.

How did your move to Benfica in 2023 come about?

Gasper: For personal reasons, I decided to put football in the background. Actually, I was ready to work full-time and go to training in the evenings. But then I realized for myself that I was missing it. So I told my advisor Dietmar Ness that I would be interested in going abroad again. The first six months from January 2023 onwards were quite exhausting because my fitness wasn't what it used to be. But today I can say that it is the best thing that could have happened.

Have you actively chosen Portugal?

Gasper: I said at the time: preferably Portugal or Sweden.

Why these two countries in particular?

Gasper: Portugal, I've heard it from everywhere, is such a beautiful country. The mentality is very different, the people are more open than in Germany and Austria. I wanted to take an experience abroad with me and get to know a new culture.

Ms. Pauels, you followed in the summer of 2023.

Pauels: I had suffered a fractured acromioclavicular joint, which lasted over 15 months and was a very difficult time for me. When I rejoined Werder in January 2023, things didn't go as I had hoped. So I told my agent that I would like to leave the club in the summer. Then the opportunity arose to move here: I didn't have to think twice.

If someone had told you during the injury period that you were fulfilling your dream of playing in the Champions League...

Pauels:... I definitely wouldn't have believed it. So it's all the nicer that it went the way it did and that it paid off to keep at it, work hard and not give up.

Did you get in touch with Anna Gasper beforehand and get an opinion?

Pauels: We've known each other for a long time, we played against each other in the U17s when I was at Essen and she was at Leverkusen. We also played together in the youth national team.

Actually, I didn't know anyone, and I wasn't at the level I wanted to be, which was frustrating at times. ANNA GASPER

Pauels: Yes. But when I was in rehab, I visited my best friend in Vienna. At that time, Anna was playing in Vienna, we all spent the five days together. When Anna moved here a few months later, we talked about it. It's an optimal situation for both of us to have each other here. It gives me a lot of security. Someone with whom I can talk about not so nice things, exchange ideas - and that in German.

Does that mean you also spend a lot of time together off the pitch?

Gasper: We even live together. But even so, we'd probably spend a lot of time together. The half year alone, before Lena came, was not the easiest for me. I didn't know the language, I didn't really know anyone, and I wasn't at the level I wanted to be, which was frustrating at times. Lena's transfer gave me security - and helped me to deliver this performance. You have someone here who can help immediately and doesn't have to sit on a plane for three hours.

With 300,000 members, Benfica is one of the four largest sports clubs in the world. Is this also noticeable in women's football?

Gasper: You can see that very clearly. Even when we play in the north, it always feels like a home game for us. There are a lot of Benfica fans all over the country. What I find fascinating is that they are really Benfica fans. Not only Benfica men's fans, but also from the Benficas women's football team and all the other sports that Benfica has. Even if we played in Frankfurt or Lyon, there are fan clubs everywhere who come to the stadium. Or on Instagram: How much attention you get at once

How does the rivalry with Sporting manifest itself?

Gasper: We notice it when we play Sporting, especially with our players, who have been Benfica supporters since they were little. Unfortunately, when we lost to Sporting the other day, their world collapsed.

And the reaction of the fans?

Gasper: It's also a completely different one than a normal league game. This is the game of the season for them, also for the men. We live close to the two stadiums. Before the men's derbies, you can see how the fans move to the other stadium. A defeat in these derbies is really not accepted, the world is coming to an end. We quickly understood that it was a privilege, but also a huge responsibility, to play in a Benfica shirt.

How many spectators come to the derbies?

Pauels: Depends on where we play. There aren't that many people on campus. When it's sold out, it's just over 2,000.

Gasper: But last season we played the derby in the big stadium (Estadio da Luz). There were 27,000 there. If the kick-off time is good, the interest is already great - but unfortunately not to the same extent with the other clubs in the league.

How does it work with the language? The Benfica squad consists mainly of Portuguese and Brazilians.

Pauels: The meetings are held in Portuguese, while our assistant coach translates into English for those who need it. Apart from that, we are now learning Portuguese - not the easiest language (smiles). I think we're doing well so far, we're getting a lot of positive feedback. But it will probably be a while before we can follow the meetings completely in Portuguese.

What's the level of the league?

Pauels: Worse than in Germany. It won't come as a surprise when I say that. The games against Sporting are very intense, but the gap to the weaker opponents is already noticeable. Although there are few professional teams, there is still a lot of talent. Since Benfica came in, there has been a significant increase in development and interest. For us, however, it was always a transition from the league to the Champions League. In the league, we usually have the ball, while the teams often sit at the back and we have to try to combine in tight spaces.

And in the Champions League?

Pauels: It was more the other way around, although I also think that we played attacking football and rarely just put ourselves at the back. But the difference between the Portuguese and German leagues is huge. There is not the breadth of good teams, but with Sporting, with Braga and this season with Racing Power, there are three other teams against whom the games are closer. Portuguese football can still develop in this respect. But we are on the right track here.

Gasper: We hear that FC Porto now also wants to invest in women's football and buy a team from the first division. This is a club that can put a lot of money into it, which is important to create professional conditions. However, they would still have to catch up on Benfica. In many clubs, the women are not professionals. In addition, there is a lot of investment in places in Portugal. Sometimes we have to play on very modest artificial turf. Some teams are good at home because they are used to their pitch, a small uneven artificial turf. But every time they play against the big teams on a decent pitch, they go down completely.

How present is the goal of the national team still with you? Were there any contacts with the DFB as a result of the successes in the Champions League?

Gasper: No one from the coaching staff or anything like that got in touch with me. But I know that I will be seen. At the same time, however, I also know how difficult the situation is there in the position that I now have (central midfield, editor's note), that there are a lot of very good players. I concentrate on my achievements - and everything that is supposed to come next. If not, it's stupid, but you have to accept that.

You were called up to the national team for the first time in 2016. At the time, the DFB still listed you as a defender.

Gasper: Actually, I wasn't a defender, but a winger who could play up front and at the back. When I was there, I enjoyed it. I was lucky enough to attend the match against England at a sold-out Wembley Stadium in 2019. I only sat on the bench, but it was still very special for me to take this atmosphere with me. I have only positive memories.

Are you also hoping for a nomination, Mrs Pauels? You were a U-20 international.

Pauels: Everyone dreams of playing for their own country. But we can only influence what we can influence. Above all, it's important to me that I've rediscovered the joy of football. This season I really enjoyed getting a lot of playing time at a high level.

A year ago you were a reserve keeper at Werder, now you are the undisputed number one at Benfica. That was quick, wasn't it?

Pauels: I wouldn't have had this development in such a short time. I'm super happy that I've been trusted here after such a long time I've been out. With my performances this season, I was hopefully able to repay something. Right now, I'm just enjoying the fact that it's going so well. I've learned to appreciate playing football all the more and having a great team, great people around you.

Ms. Gasper, you moved from the wing to the centre on the pitch. How did that happen?

Gasper: When I came here last season, my fitness wasn't at the best level. But then at some point in training I was ready to play, said the coach (Filipa Patao, editor's note). She told me that she would substitute me in the centre for the time being because I have enough players around me who can help me.

But that apparently didn't change anymore.

Gasper: But a little later she was so convinced of it that she said: 'You're not a winger, you're a central midfielder.' In the beginning, it took a bit of getting used to when you've played on the wing all your life, where no one can attack you from the back. Now I have to reorient myself every ten seconds. But now I feel really comfortable in the center.

How would you describe yourself as a type of player?

Gasper: I think I can read the game very well and put my teammates in the limelight. Defensively, I'm very strong in tackles.

Each of their contracts will run for another year. Can you imagine staying in Portugal for the long term? Maybe even after your career?

Pauels: I find it difficult to look further into the future. Basically, I really like it here, the weather is good and the country has a lot to offer. But wait and see.


@Notguilty tinhas pedido ao @MMeira que ele traduzia!


Craque. Saiu "muito melhor que a encomenda".

Para continuar, obviamente.

Parabéns!  :slb2:


Citação de: JM21 em 19 de Maio de 2024, 20:15Craque. Saiu "muito melhor que a encomenda".

Para continuar, obviamente.

Parabéns!  :slb2:

Pêndulo do meio campo. Sobriedade e objetividade. Grandíssima jogadora.