Hellas futebol


PAO got 4 matches behind closed doors, 190,000 fine, -3 points and the game was awarded to Olympiacos 0-3.


Citação de: Faliro em 01 de Dezembro de 2015, 01:49
PAO got 4 matches behind closed doors, 190,000 fine, -3 points and the game was awarded to Olympiacos 0-3.

12 wins in the first 12 games. All-time record for Marco. :bow2:



Of course he is.  The only race that gamble more than the Greeks are the Chinese. No one who has scored as many goals as Cardozo goes unnoticed  in a country like Greece.

BTW the owner of AEK is now worth over 3 billion euros. If Cardozo likes Greece the deal is already done.


Unless we grab him first, even tho we dont need him.  :tomates:


Faliro. Today in class, we watched these two videos about the dispute between Greece and FYR Macedonia about the name "Macedonia" and Alexander the Great's place of birth:



What's your input on this? :p


Citação de: Festivus em 07 de Dezembro de 2015, 20:48
Faliro. Today in class, we watched these two videos about the dispute between Greece and FYR Macedonia about the name "Macedonia" and Alexander the Great's place of birth:



What's your input on this? :p

Well you probably know me quite well by now and know I have no romanticism about Greeks. It is the opposite. As a partial outsider - I have no fear describing the less attractive parts of the culture and people. In fact - I revel in it. Not like some demented leftist who believes any national pride is  abhorrent - but simply because I enjoy analysing everything about Greece. I fell in love with the place as a boy - but the people - I have very little time for.

Concerning this dispute with FYROM. The whole thing is a result of Greek weakness and leftism in Greece. For example - say you have sister - and everyday she starts smashing up the apartment in which your whole family live because she is unhappy. Immediately or sooner rather than later - a family member will reprimand her.  However, there are families who will let her do what she wants ad infinitum - simply because she is the younger sister - and we all feel sorry for her for example. As soon as this sister realises she can get away with murder and will not be punished unlike the other brothers and sisters - she may become even more mental - attacking family members - the neighbours etc.

This sister is FYROM. These people are 100% pure Bulagrians who no one wanted. They were offered to Greece by Tito but Greece refused. So - Tito created a pseudo state named Macedonia - in the hope of one day claiming a Greek port and thus an important Mediterranean port. Greeks from day one found this country's invented language, invented history and aggression abhorrent. But you know what Greeks did about it? Nothing. The less Greeks did, the more enabled and viscous this little country became.

Are these people ancient Macedonians? Nope. They are slavs who came down to region in the middle ages and who the Byzantines documented and converted to Christianity each step of the way. Are they Bulgarians? 100%. Do they have ambitions of Northern Greece? Everyday they get upset that Northern Greece is not part of their project. Were they ever a majoirty in the region? Never.

These slavic people are simply the result of irreversible Ottoman policies and Greek neglect. Are they smart? Smarter than Greeks yes - but that is not saying much. The whole thing is a nightmare - but a very good lesson in life. When someone acts mental and aggressive - ignoring them is not always the best option, especially if they share a border with you. Greece should have wiped that country off the map decades ago - but Greece is so submissive since WW2 - it was never going to happen. FYROM will continue to insult Bulgaria, Albania and Greece - and those 3 countries will continue to shake their heads and throw insults back..

When you reward insecurity - you enable aggression.

The Dog Whisperer

Same applies to humans and countries.



Incredible. Was another Tottenham job. Very impressive.


A few of you were curious about whatever happened to Larissa, aka AEL..aka.. you get the idea of Greek football club naming conventions.. :-X

Anyways, they have a new - dangerous and stupid owner - but one who will probably get them back into the SL next year. They played AEK in the cup today - in their empty stadium arena due to fan violence punishment. AEK won 0-5 - Buonanotte's second was nice..


