Odysseas Vlachodimos

Guarda-redes, 30 anos,
Equipa Principal: 6 épocas (2018-2023), 225 jogos (20228 minutos), 0 golos

Títulos: Campeonato Nacional (2), Supertaça (2)


Citação de: SousaLB em 26 de Novembro de 2023, 18:13
Citação de: Golden_Mean em 26 de Novembro de 2023, 17:01Anos e anos e anos a bater na mesma tecla, era curto, curtíssimo, inexistente.

O pior GR que vi ser GR titular no Benfica.
Era bastante fraco, mas aqui a coisa era levada ao extremo. Tal como esse post, aliás. Até quando sofria golos de penalty implicavam. A saturação e a frustração não podem justificar tudo.

Aliás, a título de exemplo, se fosse ele a sofrer o golo do Rafa ontem, iam dizer que devia ter feito mais.

Claro que até quando sofria de penalty, não impunha respeito nenhuma na baliza. Era só garantirem que não mandavam para fora basicamente.


Citaçãotomw94 said:
He is a good shot stopper but he is more glued to his line than Paul Smith. I think he is a luxury keeper that someone like Benfica could get away with.
For a mid-lower Prem team like us, we need a keeper who can control the box from set pieces to take some relief off the defenders.

CitaçãoRather worried that both he and Turner are not up to the job. That leaves us in trouble. It's not like our defence helps them out.

CitaçãoThey will be ok this season but I dare say we will be on the hunt again for a goalie in the Summer.

CitaçãoOdysseus showed yesterday why Benfica let him go.
The one corner he went for, he clapped and fluffed.
He will be unlikely to make it in the Prem unless he can change.
He isn't looking like the answer to the goalie need.

CitaçãoThere was that salty Benfica fan that posted on here about his lack of commandeering his box or coming for crosses.

Interesting to see people saying a lot of the same things on this forum or off it. Again Villa I only remember him claiming one cross and he seemed to hurt himself in the process.

Este não tem noção do legado vieirista que dura há 2 décadas no clube
CitaçãoBenfica let him go, you say? How long was he there for? Suggests they were really quite content with his game, I'd say.


Citação de: xicovsky em 26 de Novembro de 2023, 19:24
Citaçãotomw94 said:
He is a good shot stopper but he is more glued to his line than Paul Smith. I think he is a luxury keeper that someone like Benfica could get away with.
For a mid-lower Prem team like us, we need a keeper who can control the box from set pieces to take some relief off the defenders.

CitaçãoRather worried that both he and Turner are not up to the job. That leaves us in trouble. It's not like our defence helps them out.

CitaçãoThey will be ok this season but I dare say we will be on the hunt again for a goalie in the Summer.

CitaçãoOdysseus showed yesterday why Benfica let him go.
The one corner he went for, he clapped and fluffed.
He will be unlikely to make it in the Prem unless he can change.
He isn't looking like the answer to the goalie need.

CitaçãoThere was that salty Benfica fan that posted on here about his lack of commandeering his box or coming for crosses.

Interesting to see people saying a lot of the same things on this forum or off it. Again Villa I only remember him claiming one cross and he seemed to hurt himself in the process.

Este não tem noção do legado vieirista que dura há 2 décadas no clube
CitaçãoBenfica let him go, you say? How long was he there for? Suggests they were really quite content with his game, I'd say.

Bastaram uns poucos jogos para lá os adeptos tirarem a pinta a este piteiro, ao contrário dos vieiristas que após 5 anos de tantos momentos no mínimo embaraçosos e lesivos para o Benfica, sempre o idolatraram (e ainda há muitos que choram por ele)

Red Bullet

Citação de: RGouveia.SLB em 26 de Novembro de 2023, 19:38
Citação de: xicovsky em 26 de Novembro de 2023, 19:24
Citaçãotomw94 said:
He is a good shot stopper but he is more glued to his line than Paul Smith. I think he is a luxury keeper that someone like Benfica could get away with.
For a mid-lower Prem team like us, we need a keeper who can control the box from set pieces to take some relief off the defenders.

CitaçãoRather worried that both he and Turner are not up to the job. That leaves us in trouble. It's not like our defence helps them out.

CitaçãoThey will be ok this season but I dare say we will be on the hunt again for a goalie in the Summer.

CitaçãoOdysseus showed yesterday why Benfica let him go.
The one corner he went for, he clapped and fluffed.
He will be unlikely to make it in the Prem unless he can change.
He isn't looking like the answer to the goalie need.

CitaçãoThere was that salty Benfica fan that posted on here about his lack of commandeering his box or coming for crosses.

Interesting to see people saying a lot of the same things on this forum or off it. Again Villa I only remember him claiming one cross and he seemed to hurt himself in the process.

Este não tem noção do legado vieirista que dura há 2 décadas no clube
CitaçãoBenfica let him go, you say? How long was he there for? Suggests they were really quite content with his game, I'd say.

Bastaram uns poucos jogos para lá os adeptos tirarem a pinta a este piteiro, ao contrário dos vieiristas que após 5 anos de tantos momentos no mínimo embaraçosos e lesivos para o Benfica, sempre o idolatraram (e ainda há muitos que choram por ele)

odysaves! pqp!  :rir:


Citação de: Red Bullet em 26 de Novembro de 2023, 21:54
Citação de: RGouveia.SLB em 26 de Novembro de 2023, 19:38
Citação de: xicovsky em 26 de Novembro de 2023, 19:24
Citaçãotomw94 said:
He is a good shot stopper but he is more glued to his line than Paul Smith. I think he is a luxury keeper that someone like Benfica could get away with.
For a mid-lower Prem team like us, we need a keeper who can control the box from set pieces to take some relief off the defenders.

CitaçãoRather worried that both he and Turner are not up to the job. That leaves us in trouble. It's not like our defence helps them out.

CitaçãoThey will be ok this season but I dare say we will be on the hunt again for a goalie in the Summer.

CitaçãoOdysseus showed yesterday why Benfica let him go.
The one corner he went for, he clapped and fluffed.
He will be unlikely to make it in the Prem unless he can change.
He isn't looking like the answer to the goalie need.

CitaçãoThere was that salty Benfica fan that posted on here about his lack of commandeering his box or coming for crosses.

Interesting to see people saying a lot of the same things on this forum or off it. Again Villa I only remember him claiming one cross and he seemed to hurt himself in the process.

Este não tem noção do legado vieirista que dura há 2 décadas no clube
CitaçãoBenfica let him go, you say? How long was he there for? Suggests they were really quite content with his game, I'd say.

Bastaram uns poucos jogos para lá os adeptos tirarem a pinta a este piteiro, ao contrário dos vieiristas que após 5 anos de tantos momentos no mínimo embaraçosos e lesivos para o Benfica, sempre o idolatraram (e ainda há muitos que choram por ele)

odysaves! pqp!  :rir:

Até havia uma t-shirt com este pato retratado com uma multiplicidade de braços, o que era só irónico.

Ídolo da vieirada.


Citação de: xicovsky em 26 de Novembro de 2023, 19:24
Citaçãotomw94 said:
He is a good shot stopper but he is more glued to his line than Paul Smith. I think he is a luxury keeper that someone like Benfica could get away with.
For a mid-lower Prem team like us, we need a keeper who can control the box from set pieces to take some relief off the defenders.

CitaçãoRather worried that both he and Turner are not up to the job. That leaves us in trouble. It's not like our defence helps them out.

CitaçãoThey will be ok this season but I dare say we will be on the hunt again for a goalie in the Summer.

CitaçãoOdysseus showed yesterday why Benfica let him go.
The one corner he went for, he clapped and fluffed.
He will be unlikely to make it in the Prem unless he can change.
He isn't looking like the answer to the goalie need.

CitaçãoThere was that salty Benfica fan that posted on here about his lack of commandeering his box or coming for crosses.

Interesting to see people saying a lot of the same things on this forum or off it. Again Villa I only remember him claiming one cross and he seemed to hurt himself in the process.

Este não tem noção do legado vieirista que dura há 2 décadas no clube
CitaçãoBenfica let him go, you say? How long was he there for? Suggests they were really quite content with his game, I'd say.

Alguém que vá ensinar aos garotões desse forum que "não é por aqui"

Hesito na tradução:

Not here
Problem is not here
Look elsewhere
Ody is not the issue
Not the issue

É dificil capturar a alma dos amantes de andorinhas em ingles


Que mal fiz eu para ter de continuar a levar com ele? :cry2:


Lenda. Alguém tem a foto daquela camisola que falam aí em cima?


No Forum do Forest já dizem que não é suficiente :rir:


Diavolo Rosso

Que surpresa...

Para o ano está no Olympiakos.



Citação de: Cloughie em 26 de Novembro de 2023, 22:13Que mal fiz eu para ter de continuar a levar com ele? :cry2:
Realmente...é um alinhamento extra planetário alguém se ver livre deste pato e o mesmo ir parar ao segundo clube que apoia!
Ele não é feito para a epl, a continuar assim irá acabar por ser trocado pelo Turner, isto se não vier mais alguém em Janeiro. Resta esperar que não afunda o Forest.


A forma como parece estar sempre em ultra slow motion é uma imagem de marca do "indefensável".

Em vez de dar um passo e atirar-se, atira-se sempre duma posição estática, com pouca capacidade de reação e pouca capacidade para chegar às bolas.

Tudo parece indefensável, mesmo que seja uma mijinha de remate.