New Benfica Post Game Livecast channel!


Hello everyone! :slb2:

So about a week ago myself and two others have started a channel on youtube called "Benfica After 90" and to give you an explanation of what it is all about, it is literally what the title says! We plan to give you a live post game reaction show after every Benfica game, win, loose,or draw we want to share our thoughts on what we liked dislike so forth and so on, the catch? its all live real time after the game. Real emotions and feelings! We just started after Guimaraes game and already have picked up a strong following  :) We hope to grow this following over the season and so forth! We are taking all feedback, comments and critique from everyone.

It's all Benfica 100% we are just of English speaking fans who love to share to those who don't speak the beautiful Portuguese!! THe panel consists of 3 guys Myself from Toronto Canada, Mario from CAmbridge Canada and ALex from California USA! We would love for all of you to check it out and support the project!


Liga Europa: SL Benfica 5 - Pacos de Ferreira 0
Check it out, let us know! Comment what you think was positive or negative!

Subscribe to us, comment show us some love! We have some great ideas for this new project!

If you are on twitter here is the channels handle: @BenficaAfter90

Dylon - @DylonGMendanha
Mario - @MDotSLB
Alex - @Mr_MEL0

Once again, appreciate the support from you all. We will be live on this Benfica forum. Um Abraco a todos! E VIVA O BENFICA  :bandeira1:



Obrigadinho! Um abraco amigo, e tal achas ate agora? :)


Citação de: mendanhaboi em 17 de Agosto de 2018, 01:20
Obrigadinho! Um abraco amigo, e tal achas ate agora? :)

Gosto deste tipo de projectos.  Hj em dia a malta usa muito estas plataformas como alternativas ao que passa nas tvs.

Eu descobri o vosso canal através do canal do Vinte e Um. 

De resto sigo regularmente alguns podcasts afectos ao tema Benfica por esse mundo fora. O vosso (o mais recente), o do Vinte e um, o do bryan.

Cá tb temos o do conversas à Benfica e o Benfica Fm que tb é muito bom.

No vosso caso, aprecio o conceito rescaldo pós match. A quente!

Pena ser em inglês,  mas entendo as razões para que o façam.


Aqui o SB é um excelente veículo de divulgação desses produtos


SIm sim, eu sei que eu segeue o Benfica FM e o conversas o mai posseivel. Mas como a gente estamos mais dentro da  assunto ingles estamos a tentar a levar as coisas pra la, tbm nao so isso a muitas pessoas estrangeiras do mundo alem que gosta do futebol Portugues e do Benfica entao ter alguma coisa em ingles e muito bom.

O nosso projeto ja falamos entre os tres, mas a ideia de ter algum episodios em Portugues esta na mesa. O problem e temos um que nao fala muito bem, mas vamos trabalhar para isso.

Agradece o teu apoio e desculpa o meu Portugues nao e o mlehor mas pronto tbm nao estou usar u translator lol!!

Falo melhor que escriver! Emfim! Obrigidao pela's palavras de apoio amigo! Um Abraco!! :)


mendanhaboi, muitos parabéns pela iniciativa!

Gostaria de fazer uma sugestão: além do YouTube, porque não disponibilizam o programa em formato podcast?



Já subscrevi o canal. Parabéns pela iniciativa.


Citação de: P311 em 17 de Agosto de 2018, 08:02
mendanhaboi, muitos parabéns pela iniciativa!

Gostaria de fazer uma sugestão: além do YouTube, porque não disponibilizam o programa em formato podcast?


Ja estamos a trabalhar nisso! Quando temos tudo certo com isso, eubad por aqui um link!




Muito bom! Ùma bela iniciativa que se torna ainda mais interessante por serem adeptos que vivem isto la fora. Parabens e continuem! =)


Citação de: Camisola_20 em 17 de Agosto de 2018, 12:50
Muito bom! Ùma bela iniciativa que se torna ainda mais interessante por serem adeptos que vivem isto la fora. Parabens e continuem! =)

Thank you so much! Definitely trying to reach out to the fans worldwide!


Citação de: mendanhaboi em 17 de Agosto de 2018, 01:17
Hello everyone! :slb2:

So about a week ago myself and three others have started a channel on youtube called "Benfica After 90" and to give you an explanation of what it is all about, it is literally what the title says! We plan to give you a live post game reaction show after every Benfica game, win, loose,or draw we want to share our thoughts on what we liked dislike so forth and so on, the catch? its all live real time after the game. Real emotions and feelings! We just started after Guimaraes game and already have picked up a strong following  :) We hope to grow this following over the season and so forth! We are taking all feedback, comments and critique from everyone.

It's all Benfica 100% we are just of English speaking fans who love to share to those who don't speak the beautiful Portuguese!! THe panel consists of 3 guys Myself from Toronto Canada, Mario from CAmbridge Canada and ALex from California USA! We would love for all of you to check it out and support the project!


Subscribe to us, comment show us some love! We have some great ideas for this new project!

If you are on twitter here is the channels handle: @BenficaAfter90

Dylon - @DylonGMendanha
Mario - @MDotSLB
Alex - @Mr_MEL0

Once again, appreciate the support from you all. We will be live on this Benfica forum. Um Abraco a todos! E VIVA O BENFICA  :bandeira1:
Yo, you actually came here! Awesome. Success with the podcast.


Citação de: poorportuguese em 17 de Agosto de 2018, 17:30
Citação de: mendanhaboi em 17 de Agosto de 2018, 01:17
Hello everyone! :slb2:

So about a week ago myself and three others have started a channel on youtube called "Benfica After 90" and to give you an explanation of what it is all about, it is literally what the title says! We plan to give you a live post game reaction show after every Benfica game, win, loose,or draw we want to share our thoughts on what we liked dislike so forth and so on, the catch? its all live real time after the game. Real emotions and feelings! We just started after Guimaraes game and already have picked up a strong following  :) We hope to grow this following over the season and so forth! We are taking all feedback, comments and critique from everyone.

It's all Benfica 100% we are just of English speaking fans who love to share to those who don't speak the beautiful Portuguese!! THe panel consists of 3 guys Myself from Toronto Canada, Mario from CAmbridge Canada and ALex from California USA! We would love for all of you to check it out and support the project!


Subscribe to us, comment show us some love! We have some great ideas for this new project!

If you are on twitter here is the channels handle: @BenficaAfter90

Dylon - @DylonGMendanha
Mario - @MDotSLB
Alex - @Mr_MEL0

Once again, appreciate the support from you all. We will be live on this Benfica forum. Um Abraco a todos! E VIVA O BENFICA  :bandeira1:
Yo, you actually came here! Awesome. Success with the podcast.

Hey friend! Haha of course! Listen I wasn't joking when I said I take all feedback and comments! We want to take this some where, bring it world wide! Thanks agaim amigo! :)  :bandeira2: