Luís Filipe Vieira (Presidente)

Presidente, 75 anos,


Citação de: Vladimiro78 em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:50
Citação de: zmpmfm em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:49
Citação de: Vladimiro78 em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:46
Citação de: miniMilk em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:41
Citação de: Vladimiro78 em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:29
Citação de: miniMilk em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:19
Citação de: 1979 em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:17
Ninguém sabe...
ninguém tem a noticia completa?

Por acaso deve ser interessante

"Durante dois dias de interrogatórios, MP admitiu erros, o filho do presidente do Benfica teve lapsos de memória e a defesa de Luís Filipe Vieira apenas vislumbrou um crime. Juiz diz que este tipo de crimes é feito com "discrição e elegância", mas prejudicam toda a população.


até te caiu um pinguinho na cueca

Sabes , eu alem de ser Benfiquista tambeou sou cidadao portugues e irrita me um pouco que um MP que pede a restriçao de liberdade cometa erros . Porque começa tudo em grande e depois dá em nada . Relembro que o processo monte branco começou em 2011 e o principal arguido entretanto ja morreu e o julgamento ainda nem começou . Para nao falar do caso GES que ainda esta mais atrasado . Para nao faalr daquilo que aconteceu com o caso marques onde a montanha pariu um ratinho . Isto extravasa o desporto .

Para que nao haja duvidas relativamente ao clube . Vieria acabou . AGE . Eleiçoes antecipadas no prazo de 3 ou 4 meses . é o que defendo e nao vou apoiar nenhum dos candidatos porque existe a hipotese de ter votado em alguem que roubou o clube e isso é algo que me tem tirado o sono

Querendo o Juiz mais do que o MP pediu, penso que não seja  bem assim como dizes, mas ok vamos ver como corre.

Se queria podia te lo posto em preventiva . A lei permite isso . Nao me parece muito corajoso dizer que queria algo que podia fazer e depois amansar

Não deu prisão preventiva para o MP ter mais 4 meses de segredo de justiça interno, para preparar melhor a acusação em alguns pontos.

Caso desse já prisão preventiva teria de por já à disposição dos advogados toda a acusação e provas, foi o que percebi.


Citação de: Francescoli em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:50
Citação de: jonnhy em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:43
Citação de: odistraido em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:36
Citação de: xaninhow em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:35
Este filho da puta é o maior inimigo de toda a história centenária do clube! O maior! Nem o PdC se aproxima dele apesar de tantos a atacar o nosso clube

É o pior presidente da história do clube. Nem o VA provocou tantos danos.
Olha que não sei. E longe de mim estar a defender o Vieira.
Na era Vale e Azevedo o Benfica podia perfeitamente ter fechado portas.

Ainda não sabes o que vem aí.

Ora aí está o que muitos ainda querem (desejam?) ignorar.

O preço a pagar pelos (até agora) eventuais crimes desta direcção e pelos erros de gestão para benefício próprio.

Vamos ver se a factura não vai ser bem mais alta.


Um dia ainda vão perceber os 15 milhões, dizia este ilustre cabrão.

Ah pois vamos, ah pois vamos...


Citação de: raymanzarek em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:55
Um dia ainda vão perceber os 15 milhões, dizia este ilustre cabrão.

Ah pois vamos, ah pois vamos...

Essa e outras tiradas.


Citação de: Motörhead em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:45
"Vocês querem é outro Vale e Azevedo"

Quando ele foi ensinar a Cristina Ferreira a jogar à bisca enquanto o clube "ardia" com o despedimento (tardio) de Rui Vitória... :rir:



To the people and the community of Sport Lisboa e Benfica:

In light of the news that we have all learned in recent days, I do wish to share with you certain of my beliefs and I also wish to clarify for your benefit my interests in becoming involved with your beloved Club.

    I am a lover of the game of football, and I believe it has proven to be the greatest unifier of people and cultures that we have ever seen in the world of sport...and it's global influence is only growing.

    I believe football clubs and communities are inextricably linked and that ownership of football clubs should be in the hands of the public.

    I am specifically interested in football clubs that have the opportunity to provide direct and tangible benefits to the people in their immediately proximus communities and to those within their global reach

    I am attracted to Sport Lisboa e Benfica because it is truly the People's Club...and it will always be the People's Club. Unlike any company or club with which I have had the pleasure to be associated, it was formed, is structured, and is run principally for the benefit of its community. If I were ever invited by the people of Benfica to support the mission of SL Benfica, I would not have to create that connection with the has been the way of Benfica since long before my arrival...I would only hope that I could help to strengthen SL Benfica for the benefit of its people.

    I believe SL Benfica is the sleeping giant of world football, the greatest developer of talent in its academies, with an unmatched opportunity to extend its mission and its brand to fast growing global audiences.

    I believe SL Benfica made a wise decision to become a publicly listed and a publicly owned club, a logical extension of its successful form of governance by the people of Benfica, though I do believe the limited scale and liquidity of the Portugal capital markets has not allowed SL Benfica to maximize its potential as a global concern.

    I believe that greater coordination between the Portugal markets and global stock exchanges in the United States and elsewhere would provide SL Benfica with efficient access to large pools of people and capital which would better serve the mission of Benfica.

    I believe that the story and the teachings of SL Benfica, conveyed through international academy expansion and through media, would be welcomed and valued around the globe, bringing new revenue opportunities from far off places that would bring returns back to the people of Benfica in Portugal.

    I believe I may be one of the people that can bring ideas to the Benfica community that can help improve the capitalization and the revenues of the Club, for a purpose that is right for the fans...the goal to keep many more of the best players of SL Benfica playing for SL Benfica. It's clear that the thrill of playing in the Champions League, for Benfiquistas, has become less of a thrill, and more of an expectation. Shouldn't it now be the goal to win?

To be clear, these are just my beliefs. They are not yet plans. I have not acquired shares in SL Benfica. I have enjoyed my conversations and correspondence with the devoted SL Benfica fan, Mr. Jose Antonio dos Santos. I believe he truly loves the Club and I believe that he sees, in me, a person that has the right heart and the right experience to advance the mission of the Benfica community.

I have never sought, negotiated or reached an agreement to purchase SLBEN shares from any party, other than Mr. dos Santos, nor have I purchased any SLBEN shares (directly or indirectly) in the open markets. Mr. dos Santos was introduced to me, not by leadership of SL Benfica, but rather by an investment banking institution based in London with whom I regularly discuss investment opportunities, namely in the sports industry.

Like you, I am digesting very quickly the unexpected news that is impacting SL Benfica. Though I was looking forward to meeting the management team of SL Benfica in the coming weeks, I am now evaluating whether or not I intend to consummate a purchase of SLBEN shares. It was my great hope to be received as a positive and contributing partner to the community of Benfica and I am obviously having to evaluate the remarkable change in circumstances as I evaluate this opportunity. Again, like you, I am reserving the right to make my own judgments and my own decisions as I learn more.

In the meantime, I wish you all the best of outcomes and personal joy during the coming season, as I feel confident that Sport Lisboa e Benfica will continue to be as strong in the coming year as it has been for the last 117 years.


John Textor

Miguel Caeiro

Citação de: Motörhead em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:45
"Vocês querem é outro Vale e Azevedo"

Lágrimas de pulhacrodilo!!! Não lhe desejo mal nenhum, apenas lhe desejo o dobro do que fez ao Benfica!

El Tacuara

Uma coisa é certa, o Oliveira e o Fernandes, mais dia menos dia, vão ter uma recepção da PJ.

Estes, é quase certo, as suas assinaturas têm que constar em mta documentação.


Citação de: jonnhy em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:43
Citação de: odistraido em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:36
Citação de: xaninhow em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:35
Este filho da puta é o maior inimigo de toda a história centenária do clube! O maior! Nem o PdC se aproxima dele apesar de tantos a atacar o nosso clube

É o pior presidente da história do clube. Nem o VA provocou tantos danos.
Olha que não sei. E longe de mim estar a defender o Vieira.
Na era Vale e Azevedo o Benfica podia perfeitamente ter fechado portas.

Isto é um erro que muita gente manda a meu ver. Como se o Vale e Azevedo fosse o único culpado da situação financeira caótica do Benfica. Longe de mim defender o Vale mas não foi ele, ou melhor, só ele que pôs o Benfica no buraco. Já vinha de trás. Bem de trás até. Posto isto, sim o Vieira foi muito pior que o Vale. Se o Vieira tem entrado na altura do Vale tínhamos fechado portas sem hipotese.


Citação de: Miguel Caeiro em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:59
Citação de: Motörhead em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:45
"Vocês querem é outro Vale e Azevedo"

Lágrimas de pulhacrodilo!!! Não lhe desejo mal nenhum, apenas lhe desejo o dobro do que fez ao Benfica!

Pois eu desejo que apodreça na cadeia.


o parça do crime anda a passar muito despercebido no mei odisto tudo, entretanto quando chegarem aos 10% o parça ainda vai dentro junto com o lider.


Citação de: kino em 12 de Julho de 2021, 15:02
o parça do crime anda a passar muito despercebido no mei odisto tudo, entretanto quando chegarem aos 10% o parça ainda vai dentro junto com o lider.

Certamente 10% da caução vão para ele  :2funny:


Citação de: danielpm em 12 de Julho de 2021, 14:58

To the people and the community of Sport Lisboa e Benfica:

In light of the news that we have all learned in recent days, I do wish to share with you certain of my beliefs and I also wish to clarify for your benefit my interests in becoming involved with your beloved Club.

    I am a lover of the game of football, and I believe it has proven to be the greatest unifier of people and cultures that we have ever seen in the world of sport...and it's global influence is only growing.

    I believe football clubs and communities are inextricably linked and that ownership of football clubs should be in the hands of the public.

    I am specifically interested in football clubs that have the opportunity to provide direct and tangible benefits to the people in their immediately proximus communities and to those within their global reach

    I am attracted to Sport Lisboa e Benfica because it is truly the People's Club...and it will always be the People's Club. Unlike any company or club with which I have had the pleasure to be associated, it was formed, is structured, and is run principally for the benefit of its community. If I were ever invited by the people of Benfica to support the mission of SL Benfica, I would not have to create that connection with the has been the way of Benfica since long before my arrival...I would only hope that I could help to strengthen SL Benfica for the benefit of its people.

    I believe SL Benfica is the sleeping giant of world football, the greatest developer of talent in its academies, with an unmatched opportunity to extend its mission and its brand to fast growing global audiences.

    I believe SL Benfica made a wise decision to become a publicly listed and a publicly owned club, a logical extension of its successful form of governance by the people of Benfica, though I do believe the limited scale and liquidity of the Portugal capital markets has not allowed SL Benfica to maximize its potential as a global concern.

    I believe that greater coordination between the Portugal markets and global stock exchanges in the United States and elsewhere would provide SL Benfica with efficient access to large pools of people and capital which would better serve the mission of Benfica.

    I believe that the story and the teachings of SL Benfica, conveyed through international academy expansion and through media, would be welcomed and valued around the globe, bringing new revenue opportunities from far off places that would bring returns back to the people of Benfica in Portugal.

    I believe I may be one of the people that can bring ideas to the Benfica community that can help improve the capitalization and the revenues of the Club, for a purpose that is right for the fans...the goal to keep many more of the best players of SL Benfica playing for SL Benfica. It's clear that the thrill of playing in the Champions League, for Benfiquistas, has become less of a thrill, and more of an expectation. Shouldn't it now be the goal to win?

To be clear, these are just my beliefs. They are not yet plans. I have not acquired shares in SL Benfica. I have enjoyed my conversations and correspondence with the devoted SL Benfica fan, Mr. Jose Antonio dos Santos. I believe he truly loves the Club and I believe that he sees, in me, a person that has the right heart and the right experience to advance the mission of the Benfica community.

I have never sought, negotiated or reached an agreement to purchase SLBEN shares from any party, other than Mr. dos Santos, nor have I purchased any SLBEN shares (directly or indirectly) in the open markets. Mr. dos Santos was introduced to me, not by leadership of SL Benfica, but rather by an investment banking institution based in London with whom I regularly discuss investment opportunities, namely in the sports industry.

Like you, I am digesting very quickly the unexpected news that is impacting SL Benfica. Though I was looking forward to meeting the management team of SL Benfica in the coming weeks, I am now evaluating whether or not I intend to consummate a purchase of SLBEN shares. It was my great hope to be received as a positive and contributing partner to the community of Benfica and I am obviously having to evaluate the remarkable change in circumstances as I evaluate this opportunity. Again, like you, I am reserving the right to make my own judgments and my own decisions as I learn more.

In the meantime, I wish you all the best of outcomes and personal joy during the coming season, as I feel confident that Sport Lisboa e Benfica will continue to be as strong in the coming year as it has been for the last 117 years.


John Textor

O nosso novo dono?


Citação de: zmpmfm em 12 de Julho de 2021, 15:03
Citação de: kino em 12 de Julho de 2021, 15:02
o parça do crime anda a passar muito despercebido no mei odisto tudo, entretanto quando chegarem aos 10% o parça ainda vai dentro junto com o lider.

Certamente 10% da caução vão para ele  :2funny:

Vai ser mais do tipo 10% da cela.


A narrativa anterior era que não tinha votado vieira nas ultimas eleições, apesar de festejar efusivamente a vitória.

Agora é não votar, porque são todos iguais...

Só come quem quer ou é burro