Kostas Mitroglou

Avançado, 36 anos,
Equipa Principal: 2 épocas (2015-2017), 88 jogos (6051 minutos), 52 golos

Títulos: Campeonato Nacional (2), Taça de Portugal (1), Supertaça (1), Taça da Liga (1)


Citação de: LFVL em 05 de Agosto de 2015, 12:45
Deve ser para o Samaris não se sentir sozinho... não vejo outra razão... Mitroglou?!?!?! A prospeção é tão boa e não deram mais nenhuma solução? Ai que terror que está a ser este defeso...

o Messi tá um bocado caro de momento...

Ou então sempre podemos apostar na formação... Jogamos com o Romário Baldé com o Jonas e o Nuno Santos a fazer de Gaitán... é isso?


Citação de: Mats_Magnusson em 05 de Agosto de 2015, 12:43
Citação de: Faliro em 05 de Agosto de 2015, 12:38
Citação de: BENFIKA em 05 de Agosto de 2015, 12:36
Tenho ideia de ouvir dizer que não está bem fisicamente por já ter tido problemas num joelho...é verdade ou estou a fazer confusão?  :confused:

Had massive knee problems after surgery. This was during his time at Fulham. When he returned to Olympiacos his biggest problems were occasional thigh muscles pulls, which is normal after knee problems.

Faliro, do you think that buying Mitroglu is a good move?

Depends on your needs a club and the style you play. I am not patriotic or sympathetic just because he is a former Olympiacos/Greek NT player.

Mitroglou is a difficult player to mark. He is quite big and strong. He has a very powerful left foot and some dribbling skill, but not too much. He causes problems at set pieces and he can bully defenders well. He works well in a system that creates many chances. I would not say he is suited to team that keeps the ball deep in their own half. He likes to have the ball to his feet. He is not the type of forward where you knock the ball 20 meters ahead of him towards the corner flag and expect something from him.

His weaknesses are his speed. He is not very fast. I was always fascinated by this when he first started playing. He has a very good physique but that does not translate to speed as speed is to do with DNA and natural muscle synchronization. However, he is not slow. If you give him chances, he will score. He also has a very good right foot that he uses quite often. He is not a player that misses often - he knows how to score and if you create chances, he will score them all day. He is also a confidence player. The better he feels, the better he plays. If he feels welcome and happy, you will get the best from him. Also he is not afraid of the big games, he scores just as well at international level, CL level and league level. It is all the same to him.


Citação de: _JonasThern_ em 05 de Agosto de 2015, 12:50
Se o Messi estivesse a ser cogitado para o Benfica tenho a certeza que aqui alguém iria  criticar porque é baixo e fraco no jogo aéreo. Tenho também a certeza que alguém ia dizer que era um jogador acabado fisicamente por causa da lesão que teve no joelho.

Tenham mas é juízo! E o Mitroglou que venha rápido!

o messi não por favor.  Basta ver os jogos selecção argentina para ver que é flop. lool  :2funny:


Onde está o smile do Faneca ?

Faneca chamado à recepção.... :police:


Faliro, há notícias deste negócio na Grécia?


Acho que estas noticias é apenas os jornaleiros a gozar connosco.

Coitaditos, andam a ouvir falar em Maregas e tal, vamos dar-lhes um nome porreiro para eles se entusiasmarem.


Para mim seria bem-vindo. Não tenham complexos em elogiar o jogador por receio de ele poder ir para os lagartos.


 um jogador que não se consegue impor no fulham ..... Para titular do Benfica????nao percebo nada disto.....desculpem

Fake Blood

Agrada-me, senão for caro e estiver bem fisicamente.

Fake Blood

Citação de: Strata em 05 de Agosto de 2015, 13:00
Para mim seria bem-vindo. Não tenham complexos em elogiar o jogador por receio de ele poder ir para os lagartos.
Este é o Cardozo espartano. Já foste.


Citação de: Faliro em 05 de Agosto de 2015, 12:56
Citação de: Mats_Magnusson em 05 de Agosto de 2015, 12:43
Citação de: Faliro em 05 de Agosto de 2015, 12:38
Citação de: BENFIKA em 05 de Agosto de 2015, 12:36
Tenho ideia de ouvir dizer que não está bem fisicamente por já ter tido problemas num joelho...é verdade ou estou a fazer confusão?  :confused:

Had massive knee problems after surgery. This was during his time at Fulham. When he returned to Olympiacos his biggest problems were occasional thigh muscles pulls, which is normal after knee problems.

Faliro, do you think that buying Mitroglu is a good move?

Depends on your needs a club and the style you play. I am not patriotic or sympathetic just because he is a former Olympiacos/Greek NT player.

Mitroglou is a difficult player to mark. He is quite big and strong. He has a very powerful left foot and some dribbling skill, but not too much. He causes problems at set pieces and he can bully defenders well. He works well in a system that creates many chances. I would not say he is suited to team that keeps the ball deep in their own half. He likes to have the ball to his feet. He is not the type of forward where you knock the ball 20 meters ahead of him towards the corner flag and expect something from him.

His weaknesses are his speed. He is not very fast. I was always fascinated by this when he first started playing. He has a very good physique but that does not translate to speed as speed is to do with DNA and natural muscle synchronization. However, he is not slow. If you give him chances, he will score. He also has a very good right foot that he uses quite often. He is not a player that misses often - he knows how to score and if you create chances, he will score them all day. He is also a confidence player. The better he feels, the better he plays. If he feels welcome and happy, you will get the best from him. Also he is not afraid of the big games, he scores just as well at international level, CL level and league level. It is all the same to him.

Thanks Faliro!  O0

Let's see!

Dealer 88

A confirmar-se seria um muito bom reforço.


Tanto iniciado revoltado contra esta "aquisição" ... ::)


Citação de: Airinhos em 05 de Agosto de 2015, 13:00
um jogador que não se consegue impor no fulham ..... Para titular do Benfica????nao percebo nada disto.....desculpem

O campeonato grego é quase igual ao nosso e o Olympiakos joga para vencer em todos os jogos, o homem marca golos que se farta.

O fulham é um clube pequeno, joga para o pontinho.